
Debating Award Ceremony

Congratulations to our student, Clara, who has been awarded Year 10 Debater of the Year prize in the 2024 Schools’ Competition.

Clara was presented a medallion by Her Excellency the Honourable Frances Adamson AC, Governor of South Australia and Debating SA Patron at the Awards Ceremony on October 31 in recognition of this achievement.

Here is what Clara had to say about this experience.

“Debating this year has been an incredibly valuable opportunity to develop my critical thinking, as well as my public speaking skills. As third speaker, I had to think incredibly quickly to come up with rebuttals to arguments. Debate was a great exercise in resilience, courage and adaptability, and I am greatly thankful to have the opportunity to grow these things. I think these skills will be quite useful to me in not only my school life, but in the future as well.”
