School fees are charged for all primary and secondary schools but vary according to the individual school’s needs and student priorities.
Governing Council has approved The Australian Science and Mathematics School’s (Ð԰ɵç̨) 2025 Materials and Services Charges (school fees) of $915. We at the Ð԰ɵç̨ understand the financial strains families are facing in the current economic climate; hence school fees remaining the same as 2024. Please note also that the Premier’s Rebate for 2025 is $200, so once applied reduces the fee balance to $715 per student.
In accordance with Department for Education requirement, the Materials and Service charge is due by the end of Term 1, 2025 (11/04/2025).
We endeavour to offer an affordable education of the highest quality and there is a deeply held philosophical commitment at all levels that no child should be denied an education due to a genuine incapacity to pay their children’s school fees. We are committed to keeping additional fees (over and above the school fees) to a minimum wherever possible (e.g Year 12 Formal, excursions, Workbooks and Revision guides are not included in the school fees).
Payment options
We encourage families to enter into a weekly, fortnightly or monthly direct debit instalment plan at the start of every school year by completing a DDR form and emailing to our Finance Team at finance@asms.sa.edu.au. DDR form can be found here.
School Card
Eligible low-income families who attend a government school can get financial help with school fees through the School Card scheme.
For more information about School Card and how to apply, please visit this .
Other payment options include:
- By phone on 82015704 or in person at the upstairs reception desk (8:00am to 3:00pm Monday – Friday)
- Direct deposit to the Ð԰ɵç̨ bank account:
- Australian Science and Mathematics School
- BSB: 035-045 (Westpac – Marion branch)
- Account Number: 169926
- Reference: Invoice number, family code and/or last name of student
- Via an instalment plan
We strongly encourage families to contact the school Finance Officer or Business Manager to discuss options for paying the school fees.