
Connect with Us

The Ð԰ɵç̨ is committed to providing quality Professional Learning programs that contribute to building a world-class public education system in South Australia.

Our programs are relevant to the participant’s needs and context, collaborative in the approaches and experiences, ongoing not just one-off and focused on improving outcomes for students.

Our Intent

We provide professional learning programs for teachers and leaders from Department for Education (DfE) schools with a focus on Science, Mathematics and Technology education, aligned with the .

Through building teacher and leader capacity in Science, Mathematics & Technology education, we strengthen career pathways and supply of graduate, specialist and experienced teachers and leaders in DfE schools.

Guiding Principles


• Evidence based pedagogies & innovative approaches to teaching and learning
• Supports contextualisation for individuals and their school
• Links to DfE priorities and Professional Standards for Teaching


• Promotes active learning by the participants
• Provides opportunity for interaction, feedback and discussion of practice

Future Focused

• Participants supported to build their knowledge, skills and understandings to improve professional practice
• Support participants in aligning curriculum, pedagogy and assessment
• Challenge participants to find solutions to persistent issues and improve outcomes for every learner

Connect with us

Contact us to arrange a personalised professional learning experience: