In Biodiversity students explore the origin, development and diversity of life on planet Earth. There is a particular focus on the understanding of these events in relation to the interruptions and changes brought about by man’s impact. One component of the course is working in the field to experience and develop an understanding of the work of a field scientist. There is also a major focus on understanding genetic inheritance and the role played in the development of difference and variety amongst living organisms.
Biodiversity gives students the opportunity to explore the depictions and relationship man has with nature through an exploration of poetry dating from before the Industrial Revolution to the Modern Era.
Biodiversity is a powerful combination of ecology, biology, palaeontology, geography, philosophy, genetics and literacy.

Why explore Biodiversity?
- Understand the critical importance of Biodiversity, and how it is essential for the future of humanity.
- Explore how Man’s perception of the environment has changed throughout history, and how it shapes our future relationship with the Earth and its natural systems.
- Undertake ecological studies in the local area, or in regional areas whilst on camp.
Key Concepts
Analyse the geological history of Earth, and dive into palaeontology as we study Megafauna in conjunction with Flinders University. Explore the relationship man has with nature through an exploration of poetry.
Undertake fieldwork to experience and develop an understanding of the work of a field scientist, and examine how organisms interact with one another and with their physical environment.
Study living organisms and the conditions that shape their evolution and distribution across the Earth. Explore genetics, reproduction at a cellular level, inheritance and implications for human health.
Explore the links between radioactive decay, radiometric dating and mathematics. Learn how to model, manipulate and solve exponential functions and learn the importance of communication in mathematics. ​​